Thoughts on Authentic Teaching
Valerie Grayson

For the first weeks of school. I want both students and parents to get to know me.  These poems I wrote highlight the way I think and feel about children, school, and teaching.  More to come......... 
As a reflective teacher,  
A lighthouse I will be.
A port in a sea of education,
Students will be drawn to me.

My shinning beacon of light,
Will baste them in knowledge.
Making sure to let them know,
That they are bound for college.

While I guide them through the treacherous rocks,
I will hold still and silent,
While they take a few knocks.

Like a ship sailing across the sea,
Learning can not take place-- 
If experimentation and risk can not be.

 For more can be learned through trial and error,
Than from the greatest mind, 
That teaches on the straight and narrow.

When the sailors of learning, 
Are tired or weak-- And knowledge has found its peak,
Inside my stone walls they will rest,
Only to awaken to things they know of less, 
Yet, dare to seek.

On their way they will be,
In the bright light of the day--
Looking at the world,
In a totally different way. 

This is my mission,
As an awesome teacher--I stand
A beacon of light,
In this dark education land.   
                                                  V.  L. Grayson